Soul Sleep and Inconsistent Pauline Dispensationalists

      There are "Christians" that hold to the idea that when a believer dies he is not conscious until the resurrection.  Some refer to this as "soul sleep."  

     I do not think this is an issue to break fellowship over even though I do not hold to the doctrine of "soul sleep" or whatever other term one uses to describe this.

     What amazes me the most about this doctrine is the number of Pauline dispensationalists that hold this view.  E.W. Bullinger, a theologian I enjoy reading, although not using the term "soul sleep," took this position on the state of the dead.  There are also many in the Mid Acts Dispensational camp that also hold to this doctrine.  Both the Acts 28ers, like Bullinger, and the Mid Acts people boldly claim "Paul is our Apostle."  "We get our doctrine from Paul."  However, when it comes to promoting "soul sleep" doctrine, the Acts 28er and Mid Acts Dispensational teacher, instead of going to Paul, will say take your Bible and turn with me to Ecclesiastes 9:5.  When I hear this I think how inconsistent can one be? Are we not taught to consider what Paul says and the Lord give thee understanding in all things?  The reason these "Pauline Dispensationalists" do not go to Paul on this issue is because Paul does not teach "soul sleep."  Our Apostle Paul says in Philippians 1:21-23:

[21] For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
[22] But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not.
[23] For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better:

      Are we to only follow Paul when Paul lines up with what we believe or what our favorite grace teacher believes?  It seems that is what the Acts 28ers and Mid Acts Dispensationalists that believe in "soul sleep" are doing. These same people would scold an Acts 2 Dispensationalist for using Matthew 28:19 to prove water baptism is a command for today.  They would cry "Matthew is not our apostle, we get our doctrine from Paul."  Well to the Pauline Dispensationalist promoting soul sleep, is the writer of Ecclesiastes your apostle?  Do you get your doctrine from Solomon?  My favorite "grace" teacher is Paul, so I will just stick with what he says, rightly divided, on this issue and all the others as well!

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