Is Romans through Philemon the only place for a Grace Believer's Doctrine

      Many right dividers use the cliche "our mail is Romans through Philemon" or "our doctrine is found in Romans through Philemon."  In time past I used these expressions as well, but now I do not.  Why?

     In answering this I would say much of the doctrine for the church under the mystery program is found in Romans through Philemon.  The caveat is that not all the information in Romans through Philemon concerns the mystery program.  Some of it is Jewish and Kingdom Doctrine (for one example see Romans 9-11).  Also in saying "our mail is found in Romans through Philemon" limits the believer under the mystery program in understanding all the details of a particular doctrine.  For example, consider the doctrine of creation.  Am I as a believer under the mystery program supposed to limit my understanding of creation just to what Paul wrote in Romans through Philemon?  Absolutely not!  My apostle Paul told me that all scripture is profitable for doctrine (2 Tim 3:16-17).  This means I can study Genesis and other books of the Bible, under the mystery program, along with the brief information Paul gives about creation in his epistles, to get a complete (perfect) understanding of the doctrine of creation.  By the way, our apostle says the man of God is complete only with "all scripture" and not just the Pauline Epistles.  Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17:

[16] All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
[17] That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

     I think many right dividers had good intentions in coining the phrase, "our mail is Romans through Philemon."  However, as I said above, I think the approach is incorrect.  I think the correct approach for the believer under the mystery program is to first of all learn what the mystery is (see Eph 3 & Col 1).  After getting a good understanding of the mystery, then all scripture must be rightly divided according to the mystery program and the kingdom program.  Read 2 Timothy 2:15, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."  Remember Paul said all Scripture (not just his writings) is profitable for doctrine.  This means that believers under the mystery program can find their "mail" interspersed throughout the entire Bible.  It just has to be divided.  Also, since Paul's writings are the word of truth, they have to be rightly divided as well!  The "right dividers who do not rightly divide Paul, create confusion in the "grace camp" and end up mixing law and grace under the mystery program.  In my opinion both the Mid Acts Dispensational approach (with the Romans through Philemon cliche) and the Acts 28 Dispensational approach (with the cliche "only the Epistles of Paul after Acts 28) are both lazy man's Bible study.  It is lazy just to study Romans through Philemon or just the few post Acts 28 epistles and basically ignore the rest of the Bible.

     In conclusion, the believer under the mystery program can find doctrinal and practical truths from Genesis through Revelation.  Start the work of studying, searching, and rightly dividing all the Scriptures!

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