Southern Baptist Inconsistencies

     I just saw this quote below on Pastor Dwight Mckissic's twitter page.  His argument, in opposing Dr. Albert Mohler, is basically since W. A. Criswell's wife violated scripture in teaching men, then it must be OK to continue the practice as well as allow women to preach to men in a pastoral role.

":Where was@albertmohler complaining about women teaching men, when Mrs. Criswell was teaching “The Pastor’s Class” with up to 600 coed students, & to a radio audience of thousands? None of the current vocal opponents of R. Warren, opposed Mrs. C.; class larger than avg sbc ch."

      If it is true that Criswell's wife taught men, and Mohler remained silent, then McKissic has a good point.  However, this inconsistency of Mohler does not make McKissic correct in his position either.  This may oversimplify the issue, but basically there are two sides of debate in the SBC over the role of women.  The Mohler "camp" says only men should serve in the office of "pastor."  Many in the Mohler "camp" take no position on women teaching men in the church.  Those in the McKissic "camp" believe women can preach or teach men as long as their title in the church is not "Senior Pastor."  From what I have read, some have no problem with women as "Senior Pastor" either. 

     I know this is going to come as a shock, but why not just take what the Bible says about "church order" and "qualifications for church offices" rather than what some man made document like the Baptist Faith and Message says! Where would one look in the Bible for role or qualifications of a "pastor."  How about the Pastoral Epistles (1 &2 Timothy & Titus)!  This is not "rocket science," unless your name is Mohler or McKissic.  Titus 2:12 states, "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."  This one verse is not vague or unclear like the Baptist Faith and Message.  This verse means that a woman's ministry in a "pastoral" context can not include men!  Based on what I have read about Mohler and McKissic, neither take Titus 2:12 seriously, nor do the toadies of Mohler or McKissic.  Mohler and McKissic are like many other Christians I know; they take every verse in the Bible seriously as long as they agree with the verse!  If the verse does not "work" in the modern cultural setting, then the verse is ignored or "explained" away!

     For more information on this issue within the SBC see my blog post:


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