Is Worship on Sunday Voluntary or Mandatory

      Most denominationalists teach Sunday worship is mandatory quoting Hebrews 10:25 as a proof text.  Many in the "right division grace camp" teach the same thing.  I will give the denominationalists a pass, since most of them do not "rightly divide" kingdom doctrine from mystery doctrine.  The "Mid Acts Right Division Grace Camp" should know better, but based on some of the preaching I have heard, many do not!  Many of them only quote the first part of Hebrews 10:25 concerning "not forsaking the assembling" while never discussing the last part of the verse "as ye see the day approaching."  Next time you hear someone (especially a Mid Acts guy) preach Hebrews 10:25 ask him "Are Grace Believers" watching for the Day of the Lord?  

     Even the Acts 2 Dispensationalist, C I Scofield, taught worship on the first day of the week was voluntary rather than mandatory.  I have heard many in the Mid Acts Camp call out him for being inconsistent in his right division.  Well this time Scofield is consistent and many of the Mid Acts people are inconsistent.  See the Scofield note on Matthew 12:3.

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