Grace Believers and Hell

     Some Grace Believers reject the doctrine of hell, I assume because Paul did not specifically use the term "Hell," yet he does use terms like "flaming fire" and "everlasting destruction" that will be experienced by those that do not obey the gospel (2 Thes 1:8-10).  

     I already have a blog post on "Did Paul Believe in Hell" if you are interested.  See

     If anybody, including Grace Believers, gets a doctrine wrong (hell, polygamy, Trinity, soul sleep, etc) the core of the problem is not with their "brand" of dispensationalism, whether Acts 2, Mid Acts, or Acts 28.  The core of the problem is rejecting the final authority of the King James Bible.  FYI, according to my computer the KJV uses the term "hell" 64 times in the Old and New Testament.  Although our Apostle Paul never used the term "hell," he did say in 2 Tim 3

[16] All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
[17] That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

     Hell existed before Paul was given the revelation of the mystery, for example, see Mat 10:28.  Hell continued to exist after the revelation of the mystery, for example, see Rev 20:13-14.

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